How Long Does Botox Last?

Botox injection in forehead

One question Dr. Pennington frequently gets is “How long will Botox last after injection?”  The answer depends on a few factors but there are some straightforward guidelines regarding the efficacy of Botox duration.  

What is Botox?

First, a quick description of what Botox actually is.  Botox is the brand name for Onobotulinumtoxin A.  Onobotulinumtoxin A is a neurotoxin derived from Clostridium botulinum. This neurotoxin works by blocking a signal from the nerve to the targeted muscle, which in turn, prevents that muscle from contracting. By preventing the contraction of these specific muscles, there is less action or pull on the skin and a decrease in the formation of wrinkles.

Once you decide that Botox treatment is right for you, we schedule an appointment for application.  Botox generally takes effect in approximately 3-5 days.  However,  it is common to not see your final results for up to 10 days.  If a patient gets to a full 2 weeks after injection and does not notice the full effect, Dr. Pennington will perform a touch up at no cost. The medicine takes this long because it takes time for the toxin to block off those nerve impulses to the muscles. Unfortunately, it’s effect is not immediate.

How Long Does Botox Last in the Forehead?

Next, onto Botox’s expected duration. Sadly, botox does not last forever. Over time, the action of the neurotoxin will wear off and the nerves will again be able to send those signals to the muscles to start working or contracting, causing wrinkles. In general, Botox lasts 3 months.  That said, there will certainly be patients in which it lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range. It is also common for first-timers to notice that it may not last as long initially but may last longer after the second treatment. Everyone has a unique experience and results may vary. 

How Often Should You Get Botox?

Many patient’s wonder how often they should receive their regular dosing of Botox.  This depends a bit on patient preference as well as a number of factors.  Activity, patient metabolism, stress, and patient’s facial expressions can all affect the final duration.  Our goal is to make a patient happy with their appearance following Botox injection.  Some patients may feel having injections performed every 3 months is appropriate where others may prefer a shorter duration based on the effects of the drug.  Additionally, patient’s may find that certain areas where Botox was injected seem to wear off quicker.  

For instance, Botox in the forehead typically has a duration of approximately 4 months.  At Colorado Eye Surgeons, we recommend patient’s follow:

  • Avoiding direct exposure to sunlight or tanning beds for 48 hours as well as 

  • Wearing broad spectrum sunscreen when you go outside

  • Moisturize your skin regularly

  • Stay hydrated

  • Avoid or manage stress

  • Do not smoke

  • Avoid strenuous workouts for 48 hours 

  • Maintain regular treatment schedules for application of botox 

If you are interested in receiving Botox treatment, schedule an appointment today with Colorado Eye Surgeons.


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